Key findings: P0021 - Annual Financial Statistics (AFS), 2020

Key findings: P0021 – Annual Financial Statistics (AFS), 2020


The total turnover of annual financial statistics (AFS) industries1 was estimated at R10 983 501 million (R11,0 trillion) for 2020, an increase of 4,1% compared with the revised estimate of R10 547 337 million (R10,5 trillion) for 2019. 

Between 2019 and 2020 turnover increased in six of the nine industries covered by the survey. The largest percentage increase was reported in electricity, gas and water supply (+12,4%), followed by mining and quarrying (+11,1%), community, social and personal services3 (+6,3%), trade (+6,0%), manufacturing (+3,4%) and transport, storage and communication (+0,3%).  Decreases were reported for construction (-4,3%), forestry and fishing (-4,3%) and activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services2 (-0,9%).

Purchases amounted to R6 647 487 million in 2020, representing an increase of 5,9% compared with the revised estimate for 2019. Community, social and personal services3 reported the largest increase (+22,0%), followed by electricity, gas and water supply (+18,6%), mining and quarrying (+13,8%), activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services2 (+7,2%), trade (+6,3%), manufacturing (+4,0%), forestry and fishing (+1,1%) and transport, storage and communication (+0,4%).

Employment cost amounted to R1 487 870 million in 2020, representing an increase of 2,2% compared with the revised estimate for 2019. Mining and quarrying reported the largest increase (+6,4%), followed by forestry and fishing (+3,3%), transport, storage and communication (+3,2%), manufacturing (+3,1%), trade (+2,9%), electricity, gas and water supply (+2,6%), community, social and personal services3 (+2,3%) and activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services2 (+1,3%). A decrease was reported for construction (-8,4%).

Capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right of use assets amounted to R474 240 million in 2020, representing an increase of 0,8% compared with the revised estimate for 2019. Forestry and fishing reported the largest increase (+15,8%), followed by trade (+12,7%), construction (+7,5%), mining and quarrying (+4,4%), transport, storage and communication (+3,1%) and activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services2 (+1,4%). Decreases were reported for electricity, gas and water supply (-19,1%), community, social and personal services3 (-2,8%) and manufacturing (-1,0%).

The carrying value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets amounted to R3 639 350 million in 2020, representing an increase of 7,8% compared with the revised estimate for 2019. Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, real estate and other business services2 reported the largest increase (+35,8%), followed by community, social and personal services3 (+31,1%), trade (+19,1%), forestry and fishing (+8,9%), mining and quarrying (+5,4%), transport, storage and communication (+5,2%), electricity, gas and water supply (+2,2%) and manufacturing (+1,9%). A decrease was reported for construction (-6,6%).

1All industries in the South African economy, excluding agriculture, hunting, financial intermediation, insurance, pension funding, other business services not elsewhere classified, general government and educational institutions.

2Excluding financial intermediation, insurance, pension funding and business services not elsewhere classified.

3Excluding general government and educational institutions.