Key findings: D1200 - Forestry, logging and related services survey, 2015


The total income for the forestry and related services industry in 2015 was R16 573 million. The total income represents an increase of 8,9% over the income reported in the corresponding survey of 2014 (R15 220 million). Comparing 2014 and 2015, large increases were reported for 'forestry and related' (R1 3736 million).

Profit margin

The profit margin for the forestry and related services industry in 2015 was 11,9%. 'Forestry and related services' had a profit margin of 12,2%, while 'logging and related services' had a profit margin of 5,5%.


The total number of persons employed in the forestry and related services industry at the end of June 2015 was 35 407. The 'forestry and related services' employed the largest number of persons (32 767 or 92,5%).