Key findings: D0401.5 - Experimental Biodiversity-Based Tourism Estimates for South Africa, 2013 to 2019, 2019

The Experimental Biodiversity-Based Tourism Estimates for South Africa, 2013 to 2019, provides the first estimates of biodiversity-based tourism expenditure to the South African tourism sector and the South African economy, which is directly linked to the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for South Africa (for 2013 to 2019). It provides an overview of the role that biodiversity-based tourism plays in South Africa’s tourism sector and provides information on the contribution of biodiversity-based tourism to the South African tourism sector and the South African economy in terms of production, expenditure and employment. The Experimental Biodiversity-Based Tourism Estimates build upon and expand the work previously conducted by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and Stats SA concerning biodiversity-based tourism employment, as part of the latest National Biodiversity Assessment 2018 (NBA 2018). 

Biodiversity-based tourism direct gross value added (BTDGVA) increased from R18 380 million in 2013 to R26 024 million in 2019 (41,6% increase) and biodiversity-based tourism direct gross domestic product (BTDGDP) increased from R19 622 million in 2013 to R27 726 million in 2019 (41,3% increase). 

In 2019, 91 836 persons were directly engaged in producing goods and services purchased by biodiversity-based visitors, compared to 92 036 persons who were directly engaged in producing goods and services purchased by biodiversity-based visitors in 2013, constituting a decline of 0,2% (or 200 employees) compared with 2013.

For biodiversity-based tourism consumption (expenditure), the trends from 2013 to 2019 were:

·     inbound biodiversity-based tourism expenditure (biodiversity-based tourism exports) increased by 22,5% from R14 658 million in 2013 to R17 956 million in 2019;

·     domestic biodiversity-based tourism expenditure increased by 48,6% from R28 731 million in 2013 to R42 707 million in 2019;

·     internal biodiversity-based tourism expenditure increased by 39,8% from R43 389 million in 2013 to R60 663 million in 2019.

The total internal biodiversity-based tourism consumption in cash in 2019 was R60 663 million (inbound biodiversity-based tourism consumption R17 956 million [29,6%] and domestic biodiversity-based tourism consumption R42 707 million [70,4%]). The main expenditure items were 'non-specific products' (23,1%), 'sports and recreational services' (16,9%), ‘cultural services' (12,1%) and 'tourism-connected products’ (9,9%)