About: CS2007RDP - Community Survey 2007 - The RDP Commitment - What South Africans Say?

Publication name:
CS2007RDP - Community Survey 2007 - The RDP Commitment - What South Africans Say?

Publication description:
The report deals specifically with measurement in the domains of meeting basic needs and developing our human resources. This provides an objective assessment of the performance of the country, on the extent to which it has made progress or failed to make progress. By comparing information gathered over the last 13 years such assessment can be made. The results are based on objective enumeration of those things that can be visibly seen such as the number of households that have access to a particular form of energy and to what end they deploy such energy. It is not anecdote, but it is what South Africans say about their living conditions. It is therefore appropriately titled

Publication category:
Demography - Population

Publication frequency:
Published: Once every 10 years

Publication type: