The South Africa I know,

The Home I Understand

Results for: ies

Which municipalities spent the most per resident in 2022?

Which municipalities spent the most per resident in 2022?

The primary role of South Africa’s 257 municipalities is to provide water, electricity, refuse removal, sanitation and other services to millions of households. This mammoth task requires extensive resources. Municipalities spent R532 billion in 2022. This total includes both operational1 and capital expenditure,2 published in two separate statistical releases. If we consider the Census 20223 national population   read more »

Marginalised Communities in SA Achieve New Heights in Education

Marginalised Communities in SA Achieve New Heights in Education

2024 commemorates three decades since the inception of democracy in South Africa. Since 1994, South Africa has ushered in notable reforms across multiple sectors, with education being one of the key areas of focus. These reforms aimed to address historical inequalities and improve access to quality education for all citizens. Substantial investments have been made   read more »

Statistician-General to release the results of the Non-financial Census of Municipalities, 2022

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                                 20 March 2024   Statistician-General to release the results of the Non-financial Census of Municipalities, 2022 The Statistician-General of South Africa, Mr Risenga Maluleke, will   read more »

A tale of two universities

A tale of two universities

South Africa’s two newest universities had their origins back in 2010. That year, the South African Government announced its intention to establish two new institutions of higher learning. In late 2011, the Department of Higher Education and Training, together with the University of Witwatersrand, formed the New Universities Project Management Team. This team was responsible   read more »

Electricity: a vital resource for municipalities

Electricity: a vital resource for municipalities

Municipalities generate most of their revenue from electricity sales. Those involved in providing services buy electricity from producers (such as Eskom) and then resell the power to households, businesses and other institutions. The resulting surplus from this trade is a vital source of income. Electricity’s contribution to revenue Municipalities spent R50,2 billion on electricity purchases in   read more »

Child Series Volume I: Children exposed to maltreatment, 2021

MEDIA RELEASE 28 February 2023 Child Series Volume I: Children exposed to maltreatment, 2021   Despite the abolishment of corporal punishment in South African schools in 1997, it is still used as a form of discipline. This is according to the Children exposed to maltreatment, 2021 report released by Statistics South Africa today. The report   read more »


STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA Stats SA provides scientific knowledge that enables society to understand complex socio-economic phenomena. It draws its mandate from the Statistics Act, 1999 (Act No 6 of 1999). Stats SA strives to excel in the following five competencies: Intellectual capability to lead the scientific work of statistics, Technological competence for purposes of large-scale   read more »

Statistician-General to release the “Gender Series Volume IX: Women Empowerment”, 2017–2022 Report.

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                             13 October 2022   Statistician-General to release the “Gender Series Volume IX: Women Empowerment”, 2017–2022 Report. The Statistician-General of South Africa, Mr Risenga Maluleke, will release the findings of the Gender Series Volume IX: Women Empowerment, 2017-2022 report at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 18 October in Pretoria. The report   read more »

Economic recovery from COVID-19: Not all countries are equal

Economic recovery from COVID-19: Not all countries are equal

The South African economy took almost two years to recover from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. How does this compare with other countries? After plummeting in the second quarter of 2020 – when lockdown restrictions were at their most stringent – South African gross domestic product (GDP) clawed itself back to pre-pandemic levels in   read more »


Current Vacancies Vacancies exist (download pdf here), to register and/or update your profile click here Archived Vacancies Closing date 09 June 2023 download (218KB) Closing date 17 March 2023 download (380KB) Closing date 28 October 2022 download (431KB) Closing date 5 February 2022 download (401KB) Closing date 26 November 2021 download (401KB) Closing date 22 October 2021, download (370KB)   read more »

P0318 - General Household Survey (GHS)

This report presents the results of the General Household Survey (GHS) conducted annually by Statistics South Africa from 2002. The survey collects information on a variety of subjects including education, health, the labour market, dwellings, access to services and facilities, transport, and quality of more »

92-02-02 - Child Series Volume II: Crime against children

South Africa has high crime rates and children being the most vulnerable members of our society can be at risk of being victims of various forms of crimes. Housebreaking and home robbery are the most common crimes experienced by households in South Africa. Children can come into direct contact with criminals during robberies resulting in violent experiences. Furthermore, police reports indicate high sexual crime rates against children in South Africa. The purpose of this report is to identify the extent of the problem in South more »

P1101 - Agricultural survey

This statistical release contains results from the agricultural survey 2017 on financial more »

P0352.1 - Domestic tourism survey (DTS)

The main objectives of the DTS survey are to: Collect accurate statistics on the travel behaviour and expenditure of South African residents travelling within and outside the borders of South Africa. Determine the contribution of tourism to the South African economy. Provide information for planning, marketing, policy formulation and regulation of tourism-related activities: read more »

Report-03-10-27 - Gender Series Volume X: Gender Disparities in Access to and Use of ICT in South Africa, 2016-2022

The report examines gender differences in access to and use of various ICT assets and services, including television, radio, fixed telephones, mobile phones, and the Internet. read more »


Ngqushwa Local Municipality, located in the Eastern Cape, is bounded on the east by the Great Fish River and on the south by the Indian Ocean. The municipality is an amalgamation of two towns namely, Hamburg and Peddie. It is one of the eight municipalities that fall under the Amathole District Municipality. Source: Ngqushwa municipality more »


Lukhanji is a category B municipality situated within the Chris Hani District of the Eastern Cape. It is made up of a combination of the greater Queenstown and surrounding farms and villages, Ilinge, Hewu/Whittlesea and Ntabethemba. Lukhanji is landlocked by the municipalities of Tsolwana and Inkwanca to the west, Emalahleni and Intsika Yethu to the north, and Amahlathi to the east. Lukhanji occupies a strategic geographic position within the Chris Hani District Municipality and covers approximately 4231 km.

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Intsika Yethu

The Intsika Yethu Local Municipality is a category B municipality. It is one of the eight local municipalities found within the Chris Hani District Municipality.

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Ingquza Hill

The municipality is bordered by the Bizana Local Municipality to the north, the Port St Johns Local Municipality to the south and the Ntabankulu Local Municipality to the northwest. It comprises the magisterial areas of Lusikisiki and Flagstaff. The surface area is 2477km2 and the population density is 112,4people per square kilometre. Economic activity is largely subsistence farming, although the Magwa Tea Plantation provides limited commercial productivity as well as job opportunities.

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Port St Johns

Port St Johns forms part of the O.R. Tambo District Municipality. It is bounded on the eastern side by the Indian Ocean. To the north-east, it is bounded by the Mzintlava River and Ingquza Hill Local Municipality. It is constituted by one magisterial area, viz. Port St Johns. The municipality is largely rural/traditional in character and the main economic activity is subsistence farming.

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Travel survey Online Updates The National Household Travel survey (NHTS) provides insight into the travel patterns of South African households, providing information on modes of transport used, such as land, air and water transport, as well as cycling, walking, public and private transport. Also included are statistics on travel times, transport challenges experienced by households, and travel patterns related to work, education and leisure. NHTS surveys were conducted in 2003, 2013 and 2020. Transport and the need for transport has become an important part of daily life in South Africa. Not only does the movement of goods and services play an important part in the South African economy, but the types of transport available to individuals affects spatial decisions in terms of work, entertainment, education and place of residence. Stats SA publishes a range of transport-related information in various reports and publications. Travel survey The National Household Travel survey (NHTS) provides insight into the travel patterns of South African households, providing information on modes of transport used, such as land, air and water transport, as well as cycling, walking, public and private transport. Also included are statistics on travel times, transport challenges experienced by households, and travel patterns related to work, education and leisure. NHTS surveys were conducted in 2003 and 2013. Transport and the economy Stats SAs quarterly Gross domestic product (GDP) release provides information on the size and growth of various industries in the South African economy, including the transport industry. The same publication also includes figures on overall household expenditure on transport. The monthly Motor trade sales release provides the time series data of trade in motor vehicles and motor accessories. The Land transport survey, published on a monthly basis, provides data on passenger and freight transportation by land. The Producer Price Index (PPI) release provides information on the prices of transport equipment leaving the factory gate. The extent to which prices of fuel, public transport and private transport are changing is covered in the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) release. Employment Stats SAs Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) and Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) provide information on the number of individuals employed in various industries, including the transport industry. Financial indicators The Quarterly Financial Statistics (QFS) and Annual Financial Statistics (AFS) reports provide a financial overview of various industries, including transport, storage and communication. Data on turnover, income and expenditure, profit or loss and various balance sheet items are also included in the reports. The transport and storage industry report for 2013 provides more in-depth information on the size, nature and structure of the transport and storage industry. This periodic survey provides details on employment within the industry, trading income, expenditure, profit or loss, inventories, sales and services, and more »

South Africa and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

In the year 2000 the South African government, along with other members of the United Nations (UN), committed to a national and global plan of action to reduce poverty and ensure the development of its people. The sixth and final Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Country Report for 2015 provides an overview of the progress South Africa has made towards achieving the eight MDGs. In addition, it provides an historical account of South Africas development in numbers. The MDGs are:

  1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. To promote universal primary education
  3. To promote gender equality and empower women
  4. To reduce child mortality
  5. To improve maternal health
  6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
  7. To ensure environmental sustainability
  8. To develop a global partnership for the development.

This report reflects the intense national effort, from a range of institutions, organisations and individuals, to improve the lives of all South Africans; particularly the poor and marginalised. A great many people have contributed to this report through their participation in various consultative fora across the country, often at great expense and sacrifice. What started 15 years ago certainly does not end here, and reporting on development issues will continue through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is therefore critical that South Africas unfinished MDG business, as well as emerging developmental issues, be appropriately integrated within the SDGs in a manner that places the spotlight on them, while providing adequate direction and impetus for effective planning, development of appropriate policies and budgets, and the construction of appropriate national monitoring and reporting systems.

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sustainable development goals

The global agenda on sustainable development is best expressed through the SDGs, what one can best describe as the ultimate measure of progress which is about prosperity for people and planet. The SDGs, a set of 17 Global Goals, 169 targets, and 230 indicators, are a standard for evaluating if progress is being made across the world to reduce poverty, improve quality of life, and realise aspirations of the masses of people towards development. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Indicator Baseline Report 2017 This report sheds light on what has been done and on what more needs to be accomplished in order to rid South Africa of extreme poverty. Structure of the report The report covers all 17 goals stated in the SDG documents. Each goal will be treated as a separate chapter in the report. Each chapter will be structured as follows: 1) An introduction linking the sustainable development goal to the countrys National Development Plan (NDP), related policies, programmes and projects initiated by departments and institutions. 2) Statement of the individual targets relating to the goal together with all indicators pertaining to specific targets. 3) The definition of the indicator as well as the method of computing the indicator values. 4) A baseline indicator value and where applicable, a chart/table indicating changes over time for the selected indicators are given. Baseline indicator values are based on data obtained during the base year (2016) or the year closest to 2016 for which data was available. In instances where the base year/period is not referenced on the charts/tables, the base year is 2016. 5) Indication of the data source(s). 6) Where possible, a comment section relating to the indicator is included. Click here forGoalTracker Portalread more »

Work & Labour Force

There are different forms of work, these include work as employment (work to generate income), unpaid work which includes volunteer work and domestic work for own final household consumption. Statistics South Africa measures all forms of work including work which should be abolished like child labour.

Work as employment is measured from two sources, establishment surveys and household based surveys. The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) is establishment based while The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household based survey. The two sources differ in coverage, scope, unit of measurement and method of collection. Because of these differences, the two sources yield different figures. However, the two sources should be regarded as complementary rather than competitive.

Each source has advantages and limitations in terms of statistics yielded. The QES covers non-agricultural formal sector employment while the QLFS covers total employment in all industries and sectors. The QLFS can also provide information on demographic characteristics of the labour force (employment and unemployment) which the QES cannot provide.

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Crime statistics

  Crime prevention and ultimate elimination is one of the priority goals of the National Development Plan (NDP). Crime affects all people irrespective of their background, and it is a topic that attracts a lot of media attention. Analysis will show that some groupings are affected by certain types of crime more than others. Crime statistics are essential in order to understand the temporal and spatial dynamics of crime. Such understanding is vital for planning targeted interventions and assessing progress made towards achieving a crime free nation where "people living in South Africa feel safe at home, at school and at work, and they enjoy a community life free of fear. Women walk freely in the streets and children play safely outside". There are two major sources of crime statistics in South Africa, namely the South African Police Service (SAPS) and Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). The other smaller sources such as the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) are by no means insignificant, as they provide statistics for types of crime not adequately covered by the major players, such as domestic violence. While the methodologies used by the SAPS and Stats SA are very different, the two institutions produce crime statistics that complement each other. The SAPS produces administrative data of crime reported to police stations by victims, the public and crime reported as a result of police activity. Stats SA produces crime statistics estimated from household surveys. Crimes reported to the SAPS do not always have the same definitions as crime statistics produced from VOCS. In addition, not all crimes reported by the SAPS are reported by VOCS and vice versa. Working in close collaboration with Stats SA, the South African Police Service has undertaken to align its Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (CCSP) to the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS). Highlights of the 2017/18 Victims of Crime report Aggregate crime levels increased in 2017/18 compared to 2016/17. It is estimated that over 1,5 million incidences of household crime occurred in South Africa in 2017/18, which constitutes an increase of 5% compared to the previous year. Incidences of crime on individuals are estimated to be over 1,6 million, which is an increase of 5% from the previous year. Aggregate household crime levels increased in Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, North West, Gauteng and Mpumalanga. Individual crime levels increased in Free State, North West and Gauteng. North West experienced a drastic increase of 80% in the individual crime level. Perceptions of South Africans on crime in 2017/18 were more skeptical compared to the previous year. About 42% thought property crime increased during the past three years. This is an increase of 6,9% from the previous year. 46% thought violent crime increased during the past three years, an increase of 4,5% over the previous year. Western Cape was the most skeptical about crime trends, as 84% of Western Cape residents thought that crime in South African increased or stayed the same. Mpumalanga was the least skeptical among the nine provinces, where 65% thought that crime increased or stayed the same during the past three years. Crimes that are feared most are those that are most common. An estimated 79% of South Africans felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods during the day, which is a decrease of 6,7% from last year. About 32% of South Africans felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods at night, constituting an increase of 8% from last year. The highlights for household and individual experiences of crime from the 2016/17 VOCS report are as follows:  read more »