P0210 - Labour Force Survey (LFS), September 2007

Publication date & time: 27 March 2008 @ 13:00
Important Notice: The report on the Labour Force Survey (LFS 16) for September 2007, has been withdrawn and replaced with an updated version. Data users should note that discrepancies in the original dataset were picked up during parallel data confrontation with the new and improved processes being implemented. The new version of this document shows the unemployment rate to be 22.7% in September 2007 and not the 23.0% originally reported. Changes to some provincial unemployment rates have also been made. Data users who have the LFS 16 unit records should contact our offices to have this dataset replaced with the updated version. Stats SA sincerely apologises for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused. We assure you of our ongoing quest to improve our processes so as to give you good quality data.
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