P0210 - Labour Force Survey (LFS), September 2006

Publication date & time: 29 March 2007 @ 12:30
Important Notice: The CD-Rom containing data and metadata for the Labour Force Survey, September 2006, is available as from 11 May 2007. To order, please contact Joan Lindeque at:
Tel: 27 012 3108619, Fax:27 012 3217381, E-mail: joanl@statssa.gov.za. Please be aware that the LFS 14 report has been withdrawn and replaced with a new version on 25 April 2007. The reason for the new version is because Table 2.5.1 on page 9 of the LFS 14 report was incorrect. The figures for male and female were interchanged. Please download the latest version by clicking on this link. Stats SA apologises for any inconvenience that this error may have caused.
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