P0043 - Statistics of Liquidations and insolvencies, February 2023

Publication date & time: 27 March 2023 @ 14:30
Important Notice: Release P0043 currently publishes both Liquidations and Insolvencies. The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ & CD), the main supplier of statistics on Insolvencies, experienced a computer hack in September 2021 and has since not been able to supply Insolvencies data to Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). Subsequently, Stats SA has decided to split the release P0043 into two releases with effect from April 2023 onwards, namely:
  • P0043.1 Statistics of liquidations; and
  • P0043.2 Statistics of insolvencies
The P0043.2 release will remain inactive until the computer hack at the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is resolved.
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